
Fallout new vegas not launching
Fallout new vegas not launching

fallout new vegas not launching

Nearly four years in the making, Brave New World gathers the work of professional actors to revoice Fallout: New Vegas.

fallout new vegas not launching

The original changes will only be carried over into the patches from now on. Reverted the No Low-Level Processing flags for various NPCs in the BraveNewWorld.esm.Patches for Character Expansions Revised, Fallout Character Overhaul, New Vegas Character Expansions, and Project Nevada - Equipment are now included in the FOMOD.Generated new NPC FaceGen textures for McNamara and the Silver Rush customers, as well as FaceGen textures for FCO and NVCE patches.Fixed Dr Luria's Goodbye line by adding it to the BNW Dialogue quest, so that you no longer get stuck in dialogue with her.Fixed an oversight with Samuel Cooke's new voice type not being carried over into the BraveNewWorld-PowderIsTheNewBlack.esp.Fixed an oversight where Little Buster and Dr Alvarez's face redesign hadn't been applied to their dead bodies in the Revoice & Face Redesign version.Fixed an issue where Major Dhatri had several out of order GREETING lines.Fixed a problem with the Silver Rush customers still being tied to the `VarStreetGamblerMale` template, which would occasionally cause them to spawn with a template using the wrong voice type.Elder McNamara's appearance has been redesigned (in the Revoice & Face Redesign version), making him look younger and more inline with his vanilla appearance.Load this plugin *after* other NPC face altering mods if you would like BNW's designs to take precedence. Added BraveNewWorld-Override.esp for those using the Revoice & Face Redesign version.Added a new GREETING line for Dr Alvarez if you visit her at the Follower's Outpost before starting the "I Could Make You Care" quest.

Fallout new vegas not launching